Whittier Friends School
A Quaker School
6726 S. Washington Avenue
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 945-1654
Mission Statement
Whittier Friends School was founded in September 1974 under the care of Whittier Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (First Friends Church), with a vision of what could be possible in the school with the commitment to make it happen. The Children come first at Whittier Friends School! We are dedicated to the growth and development of the whole child - the child as a spiritual being, as a learner, as a responsible citizen, and as a peacemaker.
We believe that children learn best when they are in an enviorenment which supports them and frees them to grow, unfolding from within, free of labels, free of not measuring up to the expectations of others, free of comparison with others, free of fear of being expected to do things for which they are not ready and at which they cannot succeed. Time is spent freely in this school to teach children to speak truthfully (especially about their own feelings) and to aquire skills for dealing with others in positive, affirming ways.
We believe that children learn continuously in a developmental order, but at differing rates. We believe that children learn best from concrete experiences such as field trips and hands-on science lessons, and from much use of manipulative equipment in discovery learning.
Whittier Friends School offers continuity, that is, keeping children together for two or more years with the same teacher or teachers. With our multi-grade approach. we are able to offer maximum continuity from year to year. Our staff, along with our School Committee, makes important decisions about curriculum and testing within the guidelines of the California State Department of Education. This method encourages creativity and innovation on the part of our staff and our students.
Quakers have long valued cooperation above individual competition, and so Whittier Friends School encourages cooperative play and learning. Our multi-grade classrooms lend themselves naturally to peer tutoring; younger and older students alike learn more when students help students discover knowledge.
Whittier Friends School uses technology as a learning tool. Each classroom has a computer lab which the students use under the guidance of our teachers and aides. A science lab equipped with laboratory materials and microscope is used to expand the students' scientific curiosity.
We have a wonderful school dedicated to the development of the whole child. We are ready to serve the needs of the children of our community. We are committed to giving children the best possible education in a loving, caring enviornment.
Updated 2014-Oct-02